ESG Reporting


Bureau Veritas India are providing a comprehensive range of Assurance / Assessment Services on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting as per Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) by corporates listed with Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Notification published on 10th May, 2021.

The BRSR is intended towards having quantitative and standardized disclosures on ESG parameters to enable comparability across companies, sectors and time. Such disclosures will be helpful for investors to make better investment decisions. The BRSR shall also  enable companies  to  engage  more  meaningfully  with  their stakeholders, by  encouraging  them to  look beyond financials and towards social and environmental impacts. The listed entities already preparing and disclosing sustainability reports based on internationally accepted reporting  frameworks  (such  as  GRI,  SASB,  TCFD or Integrated  Reporting) may cross-reference  the disclosures  made  under  such framework to the disclosures sought under the BRSR.


Bureau Veritas has vast experience is in the field of

  • Assurance on Sustainability Reporting based on GRI , CDP, ISO 14067 Verification of Carbon Footprint
  • Assessment of Water Footprint
  • Assessment of Zero Waste to Landfill
  • Certification Management system for Environment Management, Occupational Health and Safety Management system.